Mongolia Travel & Tours offers the highest level of consumer protection in Mongolia, thanks to its unique structure as a sister-company of a French travel agency.
To ensure maximum protection and guarantees to our clients, the bookings of our tours are handled by our French travel agency and sister company, Absolu Voyages SAS. You will receive an official booking form established under French law.
Therefore you benefit from both the protection of French law, and the expertise of the local team of Mongolia Travel & Tours, without any third-party.
As a member of the APST, Absolu Voyages SAS offers an unlimited financial guarantee for your deposits.
This guarantee applies without limit, for all the amounts that you pay for your trip.
You are assured not to lose the money you paid for your tour in Mongolia, even in the event of a financial failure of our company.
This unlimited financial guarantee is detailed here on the APST site (in French).
French Law strictly regulates the sale of travel packages, and offers important protections to consumers.
It is the most consumer protective Law in the world for travelers, as it enacts the "responsabilité de plein droit" (strict liability) of the travel agency, ie the highest level of responsibility in the French legislation.
The laws regulating the sale of travel in France can be viewed by clicking here (in French).
=> The legal information about Absolu Voyages SAS is available here.
Absolu Voyages SAS has a professional liability insurance underwritten by Generali for all travel arrangements.